Athletes and artists have long sought what are called “flow states” or “in-the-zone” moments, where all aspects of performance, both mental and physical, reach incredible peaks. Sages and mystics have practiced meditation, mindfulness, chanting, yoga, and other techniques to experience these higher states of unity consciousness for centuries. Modern science now confirms these ancient practices do indeed produce positive and measurable mental, emotional, and physical transformations. As a result, businesses, executives, their staff, and regular people are now recognizing that getting into the flow or unitive consciousness state is also a powerful way to lift performance, enhance creativity, and, importantly, experience their true selves.
Larry Holmes

Hi all!
I’m very excited to share this news with you… your friends, family, and colleagues!
My friend, colleague, and talented podcast interviewer, Marc Ketchel, and I have launched a new podcast series called, “WISDOM TALKS”.
Marc and I co-host regular conversations with a wide range of highly interesting, talented, successful, and often brilliant people from all fields of endeavor, exploring this topic.
We both have a passion for all forms of deep and practical wisdom. We believe that it is supremely beneficial, uplifting, elevating, and enlightening when applied in any part of our lives.
Our podcast guests offer what are often ground-breaking or cutting-edge insights and practical tips on the various ways to access this wisdom.
Marc and I would love for you to join us on this exciting journey.
Our guest today is Lee Lyon, world-renowned meditation teacher and author/translator of the recently released, The 112 Meditations from the Book of Divine Wisdom, the meditations from the Vijnanabhairava Tantra, with commentary and guided meditations.
Our guest today is Leo Dale and we’re your hosts Marc Ketchel and Larry Holmes.
Leo is an audio/video producer and a lifelong musician. Having traveled extensively particularly to India, he is just as comfortable on location anywhere in the world as in his studio in Melbourne Australia.
Our guest today is with Swami Dayananda or as she’s known today, Ani Pema, a Tibetan Buddhist nun. And we’re your hosts Marc Ketchel and Larry Holmes.
We’re your hosts, Marc Ketchel and Larry Holmes, and today we’d like to share our reflections, insights, and thoughts about what’s next and how to make the most of the current situation. This is a short conversation but one we hope will give you some perspective and add value to your life. What we discuss is how a simple shift in viewpoint can help each of us, in our own way, get the most of the current circumstances and make the process of going forward more fulfilling and rewarding.
Mary Reilly Nichols holds a BA in anthropology from Harvard University. is the Director of Nalanda Institute’s Yoga, Mind & Spirit and has been teaching yoga from a devotional/experiential perspective for over 30 years. She specializes in direct transmission experiential Yoga with an emphasis on the development of wisdom and direct experience through the lens of the non-duality traditions of Advaita Vedanta, and the Tantric methods of the Trika school of Kashmir Shaivism and Kundalini Yoga.
Our guest today is Joe Smith, who we interviewed in Ep# 19. You can see all the details of Joe’s amazing career as a senior executive in multiple healthcare companies where he managed employees in the thousands and budgets in the hundreds of millions.
Our guest today is Joe Smith, retired healthcare executive, Consciousness explorer, endurance athlete, brother, husband, father, and grandfather. His remarkable story is one of adventure, pushing the envelope, and real-life wisdom.
This is a special weekly series that we are initiating as a compassionate offering to our global community. It will include actionable guidance, insights and techniques to help everyone stay grounded, think clearly, and find ease during these challenging times.
Our guest today is Kimberly Carson, author, nationally recognized chronic pain expert, health educator and Mindfulness therapist. Her research and program development with her husband, Jim Carson, PhD., at the prestigious Duke University Medical Center (Duke) and Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) is documented in their latest book, Relax into Yoga for Chronic Pain: An Eight-Week Mindful Yoga Workbook for Finding Relief and Resilience.Their Mindful Yoga intervention methods known as “Yoga of Awareness” developed by Kimberly and her husband Jim, has been shown in research trials to significantly reduce pain and fatigue in women with metastatic breast cancer, breast cancer survivors, as well as women with fibromyalgia.
Our guest today is Sally Kempton, a world-renowned author, and Teacher of what she calls Devotional Contemplative Tantra. A tradition based on the most authoritative Shaiva scriptures, deep devotional practices, and direct experience. Her teachings are based on the most esoteric direct transmission school of non-dual awareness known as Shaktipat. The veracity and authenticity of her teachings are rooted in the teachings and transmission she received from her Guru, Baba Muktananda, which she has skillfully developed and assimilated over the last 45 years.
Our guest today is Bob Quinn, organic farmer, author, scientist, and food researcher. This conversation is a deeply insightful discussion about ancient grains, food systems, and the rural communities that produce our food. We talk about the food itself, how its grown, processed and distributed. The factors which determine the quality of our food, and some of the little-known research Bob and his team have done around wheat and gluten sensitivity. He reveals discoveries he’s made about ancient grains, wheat in particular and gluten sensitivity by applying rigorous science and a persistent determination to find the cause of one of America’s most mysterious food issues.
An intimate conversation with Swami Prakashananda, world renowned biographer of the great Siddha Guru Baba Muktananda, and the oldest living direct disciple of the Master. This is a candid and insightful behind the scenes discussion with three of Muktananda’s direct disciples and how they worked with him and experienced him.
Our guest today is Dr. Kanu Kogod, the Founder and President of Bridges in Organizations, a coaching and leadership organization that works in the business, health care, government, and non-profit sectors. She is a trained anthropologist, master certified coach, and renowned organizational development consultant.
Master Charles Cannon, American mystic, early High-Tech Meditation pioneer, meditation teacher and Guru, mentor, and spiritual guide to thousands. A deep dive conversation about modern spirituality and ancient traditions; Kundalini, Shaktipat, High Tech Meditation and the Guru-Disciple relationship in the 21st century.
World-renowned porcelain art potter, John Tilton, shares the subtle and nuanced inner awareness he maintains as he executes his daily work with over 200 variables. A dedicated process that is informed by life-long research of historical pottery and his daily practice of meditation. The result is his remarkable and highly prized porcelain art pottery.
Marc Ketchel and Larry Holmes, in a rich and far-ranging conversation, reflect on 2019 episodes while projecting into their vision of 2020. They discuss, the science and practice of yoga, Kundalini in all her manifestations, both inner and outer, quantum mechanics and Purposeful Leadership and the work of Peter Singer.
Our guest today is my Wisdom Talks podcast co-host Marc Ketchel, and I’m your host Larry Holmes. Today’s episode is a conversation with my cohost Marc Ketchel, meditation teacher, veteran organic food and natural products business owner, world traveler, and serial entrepreneur. A passionate, action-oriented, get things done kind of guy and a long-time personal friend. In fact, we’ve known each other for over 45 years, living and working together on a global project beginning in the early ’70s and ’80s. We were both Vedic monks at the time and worked together teaching and managing with a large international organization founded by our Guru, Baba Muktananda.
In today’s episode, I’m having a conversation with Gabriel Cousens, MD, a very popular holistic physician, Rabbi, and meditation teacher. But he’s really much more than a meditation teacher, he brings decades of personal experience working with a fully awakened Kundalini to his teaching. Not only has he developed rare insight over the last four decades through his own evolutionary journey, but also through working with thousands of others who have sought his guidance with their process of awakening.
In today’s episode I’m having a conversation with Larry Holmes, psychologist, leadership trainer, and corporate consultant for some of the largest companies in Australia. He’s also my cohost of the Wisdom Talks podcast and long-time personal friend. In fact, our relationship and friendship goes back almost 50 years, to the 1970’s when we were both Vedic monks serving our Guru, Swami Muktananda, who we affectionately called Baba, spreading the worldwide Meditation Revolution that he had inspired.
Our guest today is Jim Carson, Ph.D., author, researcher, father, and husband. He is the co-founder and senior teacher with his wife Kimberly Carson of the paradigm-shifting program, Mindful Yoga. He is a former yogic monk who has been practicing and teaching meditation and yoga philosophy worldwide for over 45 years.
Our guest today is Eric Siegel, a meditator of only 10 years, with a very active and very much alive Kundalini. Apart from being a very intelligent, normal and well-adapted young man, he maintains a very serious and well-disciplined spiritual life while working in the world and holding a regular job. My interest in interviewing him emerged from extensive conversations we have had over the years about his meditation and specifically his experience integrating an active Kundalini into his otherwise very normal life.
Our guest today is Janine Sagert – intrepid consciousness explorer, film producer, corporate consultant for some of the largest and most influential companies in America, and a life-long social justice and military veterans advocate.
Our guest today is Dr. Michael Chance, Board Certified Chiropractor, a Phi Beta Kappa member, an energy worker, meditator of over 40 years, and a compassionate and sensitive educator of the next generation. He is the third generation of a four-generation chiropractic lineage.
Our guest today is Australian author, cross-cultural anthropologist, researcher, and wisdom holder, Greg Campbell. In his tradition, a wisdom holder is a storyteller and Greg is an exemplary example of the ancient Australian storytelling tradition. I’m referring to the 65,000-year ancient Aboriginal culture he has made an integral part of his life and writings.
Our guest today is Don Daniels, an intrepid consciousness explorer, and veteran meditator of almost 50 years. His experience with Kundalini and the wisdom he shares is both powerful and transformational and a paradigm shift in deep states of meditation and human consciousness development.
Our guest today is highly respected Kundalini expert and researcher Lawrence Edwards. His life long passion to know that Truth of the inner life brings a deeply steeped background in science to a profound inner mystical experience. He chronicles the awakening, unfoldment, and integration of the underlying power of the Universe, the Kundalini Shakti, in his most recent book, Awakening Kundalini – The Path to Radical Freedom. A book I highly recommend for those serious about understanding Kundalini and the subtle process of Kundalini Sadhana. He has narrated an audio presentation of the same name with guided practices and lectures that summarize a lifetime of study and experience.