Meditation is a powerful practice for Living Consciously.

Meditation is a powerful practice for Living Consciously. To live consciously, we must be awake. When the Buddha attained his enlightenment, and was asked to describe his experience, he reportedly said, ‘I am awake’. The daily practice of meditation helps on so many different levels. Ultimately this practice, can be described as, ‘a journey without distance’. This is because the practice of meditation does not take us to some other place, or make us into something we are not. Rather, it awakens and expands our consciousness, which is the source of our inherent joy, peace, and creativity.
— Larry

Jonathan Morton

I started in IT in 1985! I have loved watching the world change. I love to make beautiful websites that do useful things.

I sing baritone in a opera/music theatre ensemble Pot-Pourri (since 1987).

In 2012, I graduate as a teacher of yoga in the tradition of Krishnamacharya.

In 2015, I started keeping bees. I'm always looking for swarms and unwanted nests to provide a good, safe treatment-free home for.