/I believe, as my Mindsports technique demonstrates: "A Conscious athlete can become a High Performing Athlete".
A Conscious athlete demonstrates these five qualities and characteristics:
Read MoreI believe, as my Mindsports technique demonstrates: "A Conscious athlete can become a High Performing Athlete".
A Conscious athlete demonstrates these five qualities and characteristics:
Read MoreSome Practical Wisdom about leadership:
“A leader is a person who has an unusual degree of power to project on other people his or her shadow, or his or her light.”
— Parker Palmer
The truth is, we all have that 'unusual degree of power', whether we be a parent, teacher, friend, partner, or whatever. The relevant question in this regard is, what kind of person will be? Will we project our shadow or the light?
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If you choose to live consciously and possibly become a conscious leader, these words of the great mythologist and philosopher, Joseph Campbell, ring especially true:
“This, I believe, is the great Western truth: that each of us is a completely unique creature and that, if we are ever to give any gift to the world, it will have to come out of our own experience and fulfilment of our own potentialities, not someone else’s.”
— Joseph Campbell
Read MoreHe was a famous fighter already, but at that moment I think I saw a hint of a man who would someday become a great humanitarian beyond the ring.
Read MoreI love the writing that Ronald Heifetz has put together under the title of "Adaptive Leadership". It really squares up with my experience and observations in this field.
Read MoreMy experience is that leaders (and coaches and parents) are constantly looking for ways to motivate their employees in order to access higher levels of performance. To this end, they come up with new strategies, structures, and systems (like performance management) to achieve this end.
Read MoreSports psychologist Charlie Maher calls 'freezing' etc, 'misplaced focus'. It's when a player, leader, student, or parent suddenly (there's usually a 'button' that has been pushed) and inexplicably is incapable of performing a basic move, remembering what has been studied, or behaving like the leader or parent, that is so basic to who they are.
Read More'Practical Life Wisdom' has formed the basis of how I endeavour to deal with my own life challenges, and has been one of the main principles of the Leadership, Life Purpose, and Mindsports coaching that I do with people from all walks of life.
Read MoreIn my efforts to navigate my way through a life that has included being a soldier in the army; a college basketball player; a teacher; an outspoken advocate of civil rights; a monk; a corporate consultant, an husband and father; the wisdom that initially gave me a way of making choices as to what was the real purpose of my life came from something renowned mythologist Joseph Campbell famously said.
Read MoreAbout 30 years ago I was asked by the State University of New York to write a foreword to a new translation of an ancient text: "Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali". The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are universally acknowledged as the fundamental text on yoga and meditation in the Indian classical tradition.
Read MoreWhen we become more conscious of our life and where it is leading us, the practical question of, 'What's the purpose of my life?' often arises. The wisdom of the ages suggests that to, 'know thyself' is a good beginning. But how does that self knowledge manifest in our daily life?
Read MoreMeditation is a powerful practice for Living Consciously. To live consciously, we must be awake.
Read More"If we want to live consciously, we need to have a more accurate, but deeper answer to the question, 'Who am I?'. It is famously rumoured that Plato said, 'The unexamined life is not worth living'. Asking 'who am I' is a powerful and ancient spiritual practice. "
Read More"Change Requires Leadership" is a principle I stress in order to get leaders to genuinely understand the nature of their unique role in an organization. Leaders challenge and help people to face and thrive in a changing environment.
Read MoreIn our lives, we are all faced with a dilemma: to either continue our growth as a human being in all aspects of our lives; or watch and experience our gradual withering and self contraction, where we become the victim in our own life story. The great mythologist Joseph Campbell, said that choices based on fear cause a kind of, 'slow death'.
Read More“Sometimes we don’t see what we are capable of or have a talent for. Therefore this talent doesn’t come in and impact our life as fully as it could if we were conscious of our ability and let it flow. This is the power of being conscious.”
- Larry Holmes
Read MoreI am currently engrossed in the process of writing my first book. I have been regularly asked what the book is about. So I want to tell you a few things about it.
Read MoreJust yesterday, I was reflecting back over the journey of my life, and the challenges, successes, and missteps involved. In thinking of the practical wisdom that I have learned along the way, these words spontaneously came to me under the theme of: 'BE THE LIGHT'
Read MoreHave you ever really wanted to find an answer to one or more of these questions? 'What career should I choose? How do I find my way? What is my purpose in life? How do I lead in an authentic way? How can I perform at my best?' The first principle of Practical Wisdom is, 'To find an answer, you must know how to look'.
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