Life Purpose

Have you ever really wanted to find an answer to one or more of these questions? 'What career should I choose? How do I find my way? What is my purpose in life? How do I lead in an authentic way? How can I perform at my best?' The first principle of Practical Wisdom is, 'To find an answer, you must know how to look'.

"It’s hard to know what’s right for us without some form of exploration. How do we know what’s right or appropriate? In what's called the 'Wanderer' stage of growth, we need to go on journeys to find ourselves and discover our unique purpose and life path. The journey may be external, such as travelling. However, It can just as appropriately be internal, involving a lot of questioning, deep reflection, reading, or talking to friends and mentors. Whatever the case may be, to grow and learn you have to explore and discover. If we don’t go on that 'journey', if we don’t become the wanderer for a time, we will inhibit something in ourselves that has the potential to grow, but may eventually wither and die. Or we can simply take the wrong road. The external activity may be exploring the outer world, or profession. But the real goal is finding one’s inner purpose, and gaining an understanding of when you are in your element. The questions you ask may be as straightforward as, ‘what do i like doing?’, ‘when do I feel most inspired?’, ‘what are my natural talents and gifts?’. After discovering answers to those questions, you will need to seek the pattern or purpose that integrates these answers. You may need also need to do additional work developing and refining your abilities in that field. If we don't seek, and ask the right questions, we will never find the answer."

Jonathan Morton

I started in IT in 1985! I have loved watching the world change. I love to make beautiful websites that do useful things.

I sing baritone in a opera/music theatre ensemble Pot-Pourri (since 1987).

In 2012, I graduate as a teacher of yoga in the tradition of Krishnamacharya.

In 2015, I started keeping bees. I'm always looking for swarms and unwanted nests to provide a good, safe treatment-free home for.